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Syria and the Arab Spring Discussed at April 10, 2012 Event.

Hisham Melhem

Hisham Melhem (Al-Arabiya)

The rapidly evolving and increasingly tragic developments in Syria, as well as the larger implications of the Arab Spring for U.S. policies in the Middle East will be examined at the Public Diplomacy Alumni Association’s April 10 luncheon program, held at the DACOR-Bacon House in Washington, D.C. Al-Arabiya Washington bureau chief Hisham Melhem and former U.S. ambassador to Syria and current president of Amideast Ted Kattouf bring a depth of experience and will offer their insights on this compelling topic, followed by a discussion with members and guests.

Hisham Melhem is the Washington Bureau Chief of Al-Arabiya, the Dubai-based satellite channel. He is also the correspondent for Annahar, the leading Lebanese daily. For four years he hosted Across the Ocean, a weekly current affairs program on U.S.-Arab relations for Al-Arabiya. Melhem’s writings have appeared in publications ranging from the literary journal Al-Mawaqef to the Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, Middle East Report, Middle East Insight, Middle East Policy and The Huffington Post. He is the author of Dual Containment: the Demise of a Fallacy, published by the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University.

Amb. Ted Kattouf

Amb. Ted Kattouf (Amideast)

Melhem speaks often on college campuses, at think tanks and to interest groups on such topics as U.S.-Arab relations, political Islam, intra-Arab relations, Arab-Israeli issues, media in the Arab World, Arab images in American media , and US public policies and the Arab World. He also appears regularly on the PBS News Hour, Nightline, Good Morning America, CNN, MSNBC, The Charlie Rose show, as well as NPR and its national affiliates. Melhem received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Villanova University in 1976, and studied for a doctorate degree in philosophy at Georgetown University.

Theodore Kattouf is president and CEO of the organization Amideast, a position he has held since 2003. President Bush nominated Kattouf as U.S. ambassador to Syria and he was confirmed by the Senate in August 2001. He previously served as ambassador to United Arab Emirates, appointed by President Clinton in 1998. Kattouf’s previous overseas posts included Kuwait, Baghdad, Sanaa, and Riyadh. Kattouf has also served in leadership positions in the State Department’s Near East Bureau and as a mid-career fellow at Princeton University.

Before joining the Foreign Service in 1972, Kattouf received his bachelor’s degree from Pennsylvania State University in 1968, and served in the U.S. Army as an infantry officer. During his career, Kattouf has received the Cobb Award for his advocacy efforts on behalf of U.S. companies abroad, two Meritorious Honor Awards, four Senior Performance Awards, and one Presidential Honor Award.

An audio recording of the speakers’ remarks, as well as questions and answers, are now available. Click on the play [>] button below to begin; the audio begins after 35 seconds.

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