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PDAA Visits U.S. Institute of Peace, Meets With Leaders

U.S. Institute of Peace

U.S. Institute of Peace (dbking/Flickr)

PDAA members will visited the U.S. Institute of Peace in its new building across from the Department of State, at Constitution Ave and 23rd St. N.W. on Tuesday March 27 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Outgoing USIP president, Amb. Richard Solomon, and executive vice president Tara Sonenshine — also the designated Under-Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs — discussed the diverse and innovative programs at USIP, as well as the intersection of public diplomacy and conflict resolution.

USIP is an independent, nonpartisan conflict management center created by Congress to prevent and mitigate international conflict without resorting to violence. USIP aims to increase the government’s ability to deal with conflicts before they escalate, reduce government costs, and enhance our national security.

The event offers a unique opportunity to discuss the many contributions of USIP to U.S. national interests. Amb. Solomon introduced and led the Institute’s initiatives on e-diplomacy several years ago. A result of those efforts is the highly regarded research conducted by USIP’s Center of Innovation: Media and Conflict and Peacebuilding, under the direction of Sheldon Himmelfarb.

Here’s the agenda for the event:

  • 11- 11:30 a.m. – meet with Tara Sonenshine, Executive Vice President, USIP
  • 11:30 – 12 noon – meet with Amb. Richard Solomon, President
  • 12 p.m. – meet with USIP officials recently returned from field

The briefings will be moderated by Pamela Aall, Provost of the USIP Academy of International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding.

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