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IIE: Foreign Students in U.S., American Students Abroad Both Increase

Open Doors report cover

(Institute of International Education)

In its annual report on university student exchanges, Institute of International Education (IIE) says the numbers of students from overseas studying in the U.S. increased by seven percent in the 2012-2013 academic year, while the number of American students going overseas to study increased by three percent. IIE’s Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange says more than 819,000 students from overseas enrolled in campuses in the U.S., a record number, while more than 283,000 American students went abroad for their studies.

The report notes there are some 40 percent more students from overseas on American campuses than a decade ago — a time when enrollments were still affected by the aftermath from 9/11 —  and the rate of foreign student enrollment has increased for the past three years. Most of the growth of foreign students in the U.S. was driven by enrollments from Saudi Arabia and China. An economic analysis prepared by NAFSA shows international students contribute some $24 billion to the U.S. economy, which is felt in all 50 states.

The 283,332 American students going abroad represents a three percent increase over 2011-2012, with more students now going to Latin America and China for academic studies, says IIE. Exchanges with Japan have also rebounded from cutbacks caused by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Nonetheless, fewer than one in 10 U.S. university students go abroad for academic credit.

IIE publishes the annual Open Doors report in collaboration with Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.


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