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Santa Fe World Forum Examines Implications of Climate Change

Loretto Hotel, Santa Fe

(JuliusR, Wikimedia Commons)

26 March 2015. The Santa Fe World Affairs Forum investigates climate change at its annual symposium on April 21 and 22 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The event is co-sponsored by St. John’s College and supported by a number of partner organizations, including Public Diplomacy Alumni Association.

“A Climate of Change: the Global Imperative” examines the evidence of a warming planet and its implications for the world’s population, including loggers in the rain forests of Myanmar and Indonesia, agribusinesses in California, and large corporations in New York, London, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Speakers include:

  • Former New Mexico Senator Jeff Bingaman
  • Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and Environment Ambassador Judy Garber
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory consultant and specialist in the science of global warming Dr. Charles Keller
  • New Mexico State University Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business Dr. Brian Hurd
  • University of New Mexico economist Dr. Shana McDermott
  • Science and environmental writer Douglas Fox
  • Santa Fe Mayor Javier Gonzales

The symposium take places at St. John’s College in the Great Hall of the Peterson Student Center. Registration will is 1:00 to 1:30 pm on Monday, April 20. The first day’s program concludes with a cocktail reception from 5-6 pm in the adjacent Junior Commons Room for speakers and participants. Tuesday’s program begins at 8:30 am, includes lunch and coffee breaks, and ends at 3:45 pm with a final thoughts panel.

Prices for the symposium: Monday and Tuesday: $80 for Santa Fe World Affairs Forum members and members of cosponsoring and partner organizations, including PDAA. $100 for non-members. Monday only: $45 for members and nonmembers alike. Tuesday only: $55 for members and nonmembers alike. University students: $50 for both days. Registration can be done by check made out to SFWAF and sent to the Santa Fe World Affairs Forum, PO Box 31965, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87594. PDAA members should note PDAA membership on their checks.

Reservations can also be made with PayPal. PDAA members who register via PayPal are urged to immediately send an e-mail to sfwaforum [at] outlook [dot] com to let them know you’re a PDAA member, and ensure inclusion on the registration list. Space is limited and registration is on a first come, first serve basis.

More details, including directions and parking, are on the Santa Fe World Affairs Forum Web site.

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