
Back Issues of PDAA Today

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Seeking Audio File of “Talking USIA”

Joe Glaze

Joe Glazer (Smithsonian Folkways)

24 June 2015. Retired FSO Dan Scherr wants to get his hands on an audio file of the late Joe Glazer’s humorous composition “Talking USIA,” a talking-blues style account of a junior officer who ends up assigned to Ouagadougou. The file should be in a format, such as MP3, that he can attach to an e-mail and send to a friend.

If you’re not familiar with “Talking USIA,” the lyrics are in Glazer’s book Labor’s Troubadour, found online.

If you can help out Dan, his e-mail address is scherrs [at] wn [dot] com [dot] au.

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