
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

2015 Awards Recognize Public Diplomacy in China, Poland, Afghanistan, West Africa

Molly Westrake photographs a Congressional visit to a safe Ebola burial site in Liberia. (Courtesy, Molly Westrake)

10 May 2015. The 2015 winners of the 18th annual PDAA awards for innovative and effective PD strategies clearly demonstrated creativity, courage and tenacity in addressing critical issues ranging from Ebola in Africa and women’s rights […]

March 30 PDAA Lunch Panel Assesses Southern Border and Immigration Challenges

(U.S. Customs and Border Protection)

Updated, 31 March 2015. The Monday, March 30 PDAA luncheon program addressed immigration problems along our vast southern border and how to effectively communicate about them in a way consistent with American laws and values. According to some estimates, there are as many as 11 million undocumented immigrants […]

Public Diplomacy and Public Health: Our Experience in Mali

Photo from Mali innoculation campaign poster (Courtesy, Robert Baker)

Robert Baker

Editor’s note: With PDAA’s February 2015 lunch program discussing health crisis communications, Bob Baker tells how U.S. public diplomacy helped promote an inoculation campaign in Mali, where he served as Public Affairs Officer in the 1960s.

20 January 2015. Our biggest foreign […]

February 9 Panel: Effective Communication Strategies in Global Health Crises

Kathryn Jacobsen

Whether it is Ebola or HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, or dengue fever, health public diplomacy plays a critical role in an effective response to managing, and hopefully, eradicating diseases that can no longer be contained within geographic borders.

PDAA presented a panel of experts on Monday, February 9 from government, academia, media, and […]

Forum to Review PD Commission Annual Report

Katherine Brown (

20 December 2014. The 2014 annual report on public diplomacy and international broadcasting will be the subject of the next First Monday lunch forum on 5 January 2015 at American Foreign Service Association headquarters in Washington, D.C. Katherine Brown, executive director of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy that […]

PD Advisory Committee Annual Report Issued

(U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy)

14 December 2014. U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy (ACPD) issued its annual report for 2014 on 11 December, the first such report since its reauthorization last year. The group’s document aims to provide a benchmark for more analytical reports in the future.

According to the transmittal […]