
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Forum to Explore Boko Haram

California National Guard Special Forces soldier, center, with Nigerian soldiers on a training mission in Nigeria to counter Boko Haram. (California National Guard)

25 July 2015. The next First Monday forum explores the Boko Haram threat to Nigeria and Africa. The program takes place on Monday, 10 August — actually, the second Monday […]

Report: Public Diplomacy Needs Better Recruitment, Staffing, Training

Assistant Secretary Roberta Jacobson delivers remarks on re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba. Washington, D.C. Foreign Press Center. 22 May 2015 (Department of State)

20 June 2015. A report issued this week by the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy and Meridian International Center recommends strengthening the human resource support for public diplomacy professionals […]

ECA Seeks Disability Milestones, Stories

(National Library of Medicine, NIH)

13 May 2015. Department of State’s Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs is compiling a timeline of events and individuals that represent ECA’s commitment to people with disabilities and seeks to learn about the Bureau’s activities over the years, as part of the 25th anniversary of the Americans with […]

Untold Public Diplomacy Story Examined at First Monday Forum


21 March 2015. The untold history of public diplomacy will be the focus of the next First Monday Forum, on 6 April 2015 at 12 noon, and held at AFSA headquarters in Washington, D.C. Panel members at the event include:

– Aaron W. Marrs, Historian, Policy Studies Division, Office of the Historian, […]

March 30 PDAA Lunch Panel Assesses Southern Border and Immigration Challenges

(U.S. Customs and Border Protection)

Updated, 31 March 2015. The Monday, March 30 PDAA luncheon program addressed immigration problems along our vast southern border and how to effectively communicate about them in a way consistent with American laws and values. According to some estimates, there are as many as 11 million undocumented immigrants […]

Education-Cultural Chief to Discuss Public Diplomacy Impact

Evan Ryan (Department of State/ECA)

14 February 2015. Evan Ryan, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, will discuss the role of public diplomacy in U.S. foreign policy and national security, as well as the importance of people-to-people international exchanges in building more secure, democratic, and prosperous societies. Her talk takes […]