
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

State Department Taking Part in Global Online Course Network

Coursera, an education company that partners with the top universities and organizations in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free, announced Coursera Learning Hubs that the company says will offer people around the world physical spaces where they can access the Internet to take a Coursera course, with other students […]

November 12 Conference Explores Public Diplomacy’s Past and Future [Updated]

PDAA president Mike Schneider (left) moderated a panel at the conference on USIA and the Foundations of Public Diplomacy, with Donna Oglesby and Robert LaGamma. Also on the panel were Len Baldyga, Yale Richmond, and Prof. Nicholas Cull at University of Southern California. (Photo: Brittany Lynk)

[Updated 17 November 2013]

Public Diplomacy Council, […]

Can Diplomacy Really be Public? [Updated]

PDAA president Mike Schneider served as moderator of the discussion. (Courtesy, Embassy of Sweden)

Update: 23 October 2013: Photos from the event are now online.

Update, 19 October 2013: Joe Johnson reviewed the discussion at this event for Public Diplomacy Council, Swedes, Dutch and Brits Make Their Public Diplomacy … Public.

Just what is […]

PDAA 2013 Awards Recognize Outstanding Public Diplomacy Accomplishments

Peshawar PAO Shayna Cram composed and recorded this music video in Pashto about hope for women and girls. (Courtesy, U.S. Consulate General Peshawar.)

Public Diplomacy Alumni Association highlights achievements by professionals for their work in Algeria, Pakistan, and Korea

Even under the best conditions, public diplomacy can be a challenging undertaking calling for a […]

The Junior Wells Chicago Blues Band in Bamako, Mali

Bob Baker

December 30, 2012

The dictatorial, Marxist Malian government ran Radio Mali with European communist material and editorial assistance in 1968. They denounced the U.S. every day as a racist, imperialist, blood-sucking capitalist country. My job at our Embassy in Bamako was to get pro-American stories into Malian mass media. I failed at that, […]

Remembering Two Goodwill Ambassadors Named Ravi

December 30, 2012

Mike Anderson reflects on the recent passing of Indian music icon Ravi Shankar, and a meeting in India between Ravi Shankar and visiting U.S. musician Ravi Coltrane, the son of jazz legend John Coltrane. This article first appeared in the January 2013 PDAA Today newsletter.

I was saddened to learn of India […]