
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

John Zogby Discusses Strategies to Engage Millenials at PDAA, AFSA Forum [UPDATED]

UPDATE 2: A little snow won’t stop us. The forum with John Zogby is still on for Tuesday, March 4.

UPDATE 1: New date and time for the event.

Pollster and political analyst John Zogby will examine attitudes of young Americans and offer ideas about harnessing their talents for global engagement at a […]

It’s All in the Smithsonian Details

(Courtesy, Beatrice Camp)

Editor’s note: In a new (Jan-Feb 2014) Foreign Service Journal article, Bea Camp tells about the value of her detail to the Smithsonian Institution, expanding on her talk at the 3 December 2014 PDAA lunch program. Below is an excerpt and link to the entire article.

Today, thanks to the […]

Youth Exchange Program Value Discussed at February 2014 PDAA Lunch Program

Lisa Choate, at February 4 PDAA lunch program (A. Kotok)

UPDATED: 4 February 2014

For well over half a century, under a variety of youth and high school exchange programs, thousands of young Americans headed overseas while their counterparts from overseas came to the United States, each in search of rewarding and exciting […]

“It’s All in the Details: Enriching U.S. Diplomacy Away From State” Topic of December 3 PDAA Lunch Program

Three State Department officers — Lora Berg, Beatrice Camp, and Mary Jeffers — will join moderator Amb. Linda Jewell to discuss how assignments at private sector and academic organizations sharpened their skills and enhanced their public diplomacy work, at the next Public Diplomacy Alumni Association lunch program on Tuesday, December 3 at DACOR-Bacon House in […]

November 12 Conference Explores Public Diplomacy’s Past and Future [Updated]

PDAA president Mike Schneider (left) moderated a panel at the conference on USIA and the Foundations of Public Diplomacy, with Donna Oglesby and Robert LaGamma. Also on the panel were Len Baldyga, Yale Richmond, and Prof. Nicholas Cull at University of Southern California. (Photo: Brittany Lynk)

[Updated 17 November 2013]

Public Diplomacy Council, […]

Videos from October 1 PDAA Lunch Program Now Available

Videos from the PDAA October 1, 2013 lunch program on U.S. gender programs and democratic reforms are now available. Many thanks go to Blake Stilwell, a student of PDAA president Mike Schneider, for making the videos.