
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Public Diplomacy by the Numbers, 2010


Reports from multi-national opinion surveys on U.S. standing and related issues

Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah. Released 2 December 2010

Extremist groups Hamas and Hezbollah continue to receive mixed ratings from Muslim publics. However, opinions of al Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden, are consistently negative; only in Nigeria […]

Public Diplomacy by the Numbers, 2009


Reports from multi-national opinion surveys on U.S. standing and related issues

Majorities in Developed and Developing Countries Want Action on Climate Change, Even if it Entails Costs

World Bank/ Released 3 December 2009

A new poll of 15 nations, most of them in the developing world, finds that majorities of the people […]

Public Diplomacy by the Numbers, 2008


Reports from multi-national opinion surveys on U.S. standing and related issues

Global polling, 2002 – 2007 (archive page)

Europeans favor Obama presidency; Americans and Europeans share concerns on terrorism, international economy, Russia Transatlantic Trends. Released 10 September 2008

A new survey shows that nearly half of Europeans (47{2a6033f7eac5eade65ac45c5dc15245d782bf621d43785c1e0a25870ae642a3b}) believe that relations between […]

Higher Education: Approaches to Attract and Fund International Students in the United States and Abroad

U.S. Government Accountability Office

Highlights of GAO-09-379, a report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives. April 2009.

Why GAO Did This Study

Following September 11, 2001, the number of international students coming to the United States dropped for the first time in over […]

U.S. Public Diplomacy: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight

(A. Kotok)

U.S. Government Accountability Office Cover letter to GAO-09-679SP, prepared for the chairs and ranking members of relevant House and Senate committees. 27 May 2009

Congressional Committees

Since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the U.S. government has spent at least $10 billion on communication efforts designed to advance the strategic interests of […]