
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Public Diplomacy in Academe Explored in Monday Forum

Georgetown University campus (

(25 March 2017) A panel of university deans leading academic programs in diplomacy will investigate the state of public diplomacy in the academic world in the next installment of the First Monday series. That discussion takes place on Monday, 3 April 2017 at American Foreign Service Association in Washington, […]

New Cold War Examined in Walter Roberts Lecture

Amb. Michael McFaul (Stanford University)

(25 February 2017). Ambassador Michael McFaul is the featured speaker in this year’s Walter Roberts Lecture, where the former U.S. envoy to Moscow will discuss, “Explaining Our New Cold War with Russia: Can Trump End It?” The event takes place on Friday, 3 March at 10:00 am, on the […]

Canadian Public Diplomacy Examined at Monday Forum

(Shawn Harquail, Flickr)

(19 February 2017). Canada’s approach to public diplomacy as the country celebrates its 150th anniversary is the topic of the next First Monday Forum. The event takes place on Monday, 6 March 2017 at American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) in Washington, D.C.

Laurie Peters, Executive Director, Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy, […]

Online Cultural Diplomacy Course Now Available


(19 February 2017). An online seminar in cultural diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy in a Multipolar World, conducted by the UN’s Institute for Training and Research or Unitar, is now open for registration.

Cultural diplomacy has long been the Cinderella of foreign ministries. But, as with its close relation, public diplomacy, interest in cultural […]

Virginia Foreign Affairs Group to Hear Alberto Fernandez

(Courtesy, Amb. Alberto Fernandez)

(7 February 2017). Foreign Affairs Retirees of Northern Virginia, or Farnova, will hear a talk by Ambassador Alberto Fernandez at its meeting on 22 March. The event takes place at the Fort Myer Officers Club in Arlington, Virginia.

Amb. Fernandez, now a vice-president at MEMRI, the Middle East Media […]

RFE/RL Future Explored at February Forum

Thomas Kent (

(28 January 2017) Thomas Kent, president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, will lead a discussion of the future of these broadcasting services at the February First Monday Forum. Mr. Kent is expected to examine media freedom issues facing RFE and RL, including the safety of journalists, to provide news for its […]