
Back Issues of PDAA Today

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New Book Explores Edward R. Murrow’s Kennedy Years

Nancy Snow

Nancy Snow (

Nancy Snow, a scholar of public diplomacy, published earlier this month Truth is the Best Propaganda: Edward R. Murrow’s Speeches in the Kennedy Years, a compilation and analysis of Murrow’s speeches while serving as U.S. Information Agency director during the presidency of John F. Kennedy. The publisher, Miniver Press, says ” No book yet exists on that Murrow, the good propagandist, who sought to tell America’s story to the world not as a sales pitch but as a truthful accounting of who we are and what we had to offer the world. Truth is the Best Propaganda, captures that spirit, in analysis of his speeches and rhetoric while serving as director of the United States Information Agency.”

The book is available in print and Kindle formats, and entered on our page of USIA authors.

Snow is an Abe Fellow and Visiting Professor at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan, where she is completing research for a book on Japan’s nation brand image since 3/11. She is Professor of Communications at California State University, Fullerton and Adjunct Professor in the Annenberg School at the University of Southern California.

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