
Back Issues of PDAA Today

Back issues of PDAA Today, PDAA’s quarterly print newsletter are now online and available for download.

Syracuse Univ. Seeking Public Diplomacy Faculty

(Syracuse University)

27 August 2015. The S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University invites applications for a tenure-track/tenured faculty position in its Public Relations Department on the Syracuse, New York campus, to begin in the Fall of 2016. The position will provide leadership in the school’s public diplomacy specialization, where […]

Pew Surveys: Global U.S. Favorability Remains Solid

(Ken Teegardin, Flickr)

27 June 2015. Surveys in 40 countries show publics worldwide continue to hold a favorable opinion of the United States as well as confidence in President Obama. The polls were conducted by the Pew Research Center, largely in the Spring of 2015, that include items on political, economic, military, and […]

First Monday Examines Country Music in Public Diplomacy

(Public Domain Archive, Pixabay)

27 June 2015. The next First Monday forum explores country music’s role in U.S. public diplomacy. The program takes place on Monday, 6 July, at American Foreign Service Association headquarters in Washington, D.C.

The speaker is David Firestein, Perot Fellow and Vice President of the East West Institute, who […]

Report: Public Diplomacy Needs Better Recruitment, Staffing, Training

Assistant Secretary Roberta Jacobson delivers remarks on re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba. Washington, D.C. Foreign Press Center. 22 May 2015 (Department of State)

20 June 2015. A report issued this week by the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy and Meridian International Center recommends strengthening the human resource support for public diplomacy professionals […]

USC Center Holding Public Diplomacy Evaluation Workshop

(Dave Crosby/Flickr)

4 April 2015. The USC Center on Public Diplomacy is offering a workshop on evaluation of public diplomacy outcomes, 18-20 May 2015, at USC Center’s offices at 701 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. in Washington, D.C. The workshop — Effective Public Diplomacy: Evaluation and Impact — aims to address the challenge of understanding and […]

Santa Fe World Forum Examines Implications of Climate Change

(JuliusR, Wikimedia Commons)

26 March 2015. The Santa Fe World Affairs Forum investigates climate change at its annual symposium on April 21 and 22 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The event is co-sponsored by St. John’s College and supported by a number of partner organizations, including Public Diplomacy Alumni Association.

“A Climate of […]